To those who are interested in using APS Floc Log and Silt Stop products outside of the USA:
Our polyacrylamide products are site-specific, meaning we match the polymer blend to the specific soil type on your site to ensure the best binding potential and superior stormwater clarification. To achieve this, we ask that you send a soil sample from your site to our lab for testing. This testing is completely free of charge, and we are usually able to provide the lab results within one day of receiving the samples.
- Our lab recently received USDA PPQ 525 permit # S-76588 to import soil for analytical purposes, and there are a few guidelines to follow to ensure that the samples reach our lab in a timely fashion.
- Please send 200 g of dry soil and/or 500 mL of water (containing high turbidity) in a sturdy, leak-proof container (Nalgene sampling bottle or equivalent).
- Business card or similar contact information, preferably with an email address to reach you at (to assist in our record-keeping, as well as to make sure you receive the lab results).
- Include a rough sketch or design of your project outlining what you are interested in using polymers for (stormwater clarification, slope stabilization, sediment removal, dust control, etc.).
- If interested in stormwater clarification, please include the distances or lengths of water flow conveyances (pipes, ditches, etc.) as well as the volume of flow expected through those conveyances (please make sure to include units).
- Below is our lab's soil importing permit, please be sure to include a copy of this with your sample. Also below is a small tag that needs to be attached to the exterior of the package containing the samples.
Please send the samples to:
Applied Polymer Systems, Inc.
519 Industrial Drive
Woodstock, GA 30189 USA
If you have any further questions, please feel free to call or email us.
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International Sampling
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